SAP Conversations

SAP (Small AND Powerful) Conversations

SAP Conversations are initiated by FLY Holistic Schools to create a nurturing space for the holistic development of the students. People who have contributed significantly in Education space, Leadership, Parenting, Various professions, etc., are cordially invited to deliver these. The participants in these conversations include Teachers, Parents, Students, Administrators etc., based on the topic.

Key Highlights

  • SAP conversations are those which take little effort but have significant results. These insights and actions have a multiplier effect.
  • SAP conversations address the root of the issues / challenge / solution rather than handling the consequences.
  • The typical time for this would be from 15 mins to 45 Mins which includes the *Guest Talk for 15-30 mins followed by the Question and Answers from the audience for the remaining time.
  • These would be aimed to be recorded and make this available to everyone for the overall benefit of the society.