

At our school, we believe that introducing robotics to our students is an excellent way to promote hands-on learning, problem-solving skills, and creativity. Our Robotics Program is designed to inspire and engage our students in the exciting world of robotics.


Our Robotics Program is designed to meet the standards of the age group of the students while also engaging them in a fun and interactive way. We use cutting edge robotics technology and equipment to introduce our students to concepts such as coding, engineering, and design.


Our Robotics Program also emphasizes the importance of collaboration and teamwork. Our students work together in groups to build and program their robots, and they learn to communicate and problem solve as a team.


At FLY, our Robotics Program also offers competition opportunities for our students to showcase their skills and knowledge in robotics. This allows our students to challenge themselves and compete with other schools, providing them with a sense of achievement and recognition.


Our Robotics Program is also designed to prepare our students for the future. Robotics is a growing field, and our students will be better equipped to excel in their future careers with the skills and knowledge they acquire through our program.

We are committed to providing our students with a high quality robotics education that will inspire and empower them for years to come.