

Gardening is an excellent way to teach our students about sustainability, environmental responsibility, and healthy living. Our gardening programs are designed to inspire and engage our students in the wonderful world of gardening.


The Gardening program is designed to meet the standards of the age group of the students while also engaging them in a fun and interactive way. We teach our students about plant anatomy, soil science, composting, and organic gardening methods.


The FLY Gardening program emphasizes the importance of environmental responsibility. Our students learn about the impact of human activities on the environment and how gardening can help mitigate some of these impacts.


The Gardening program also promotes healthy living habits among our students. By planting and harvesting their own produce, our students learn about the importance of healthy eating habits and the benefits of consuming fresh, organic produce.


Our Gardening program also offers opportunities for our students to engage with their local community. We often organize gardening events allowing our students to learn about the importance of community engagement and giving back.